Thursday 6 December 2012

The Mayor? Really?

Toronto is the envy of the global financial world.  It is said that it is the 5th largest market in North America.  And, thus, the Mayor of Toronto, believe it or not, is one of the most powerful people on this earth.   I say this because, upon further reflection, it is almost comical how the Mayor of Toronto was so quickly deposed.
Now, I did not vote for Rob Ford.  Nor do I feel sorry for the people of Toronto who elected him and are complaining.  However, it just doesn’t seem right to me how his term came to an end.  Globally, people in his position, have had ties to organized crime, have been caught with their ‘hands in the cookie jar’, and have had terms plagued with scandal.  But, they all seem to survive or have tenures that seem like they will never end.  Yet Mr. Ford, who seemed to “Do exactly as he said he would” (other than that weight loss thing that he failed miserably at) in my opinion has been dealt a bad hand.  Yeah I know, he shouldn’t have requested support for his kid’s football team on city letter head. And, I know he should have said sorry when confronted with this mistake.  But, to end his mandate, which I did not support, over $3100.00 just seems wrong.
Maybe I’ve been watching too much Kelsey Grammer in “Boss”, and I figure Rob should have the power to make this all go away!  Or, maybe the prospect of the city spending another 20-30 million dollars on court time and by-elections over this issue really sticks in my craw. (My fiscal conservative side) Or, Maybe I’m touched by someone that cares enough about other people’s kids to actually stick his neck out for them in this me, me, me world! (My Socially Liberal Side coming out) But, honestly, I was more offended by Rob’s attempted football move where he fell on the ground, or his sneaking off to eat French fries during his diet, than this $3100 football letter head, ethics vote, scandal.
Now Rob thinks it’s a “left wing” conspiracy that took him out.  But if you ask me, this is far too complicated a maneuver for those purported enemies alone.  It seems to me that Rob needs to accept that his biggest mistake was attempting to keep all his promises, which made everybody mad.  And in that case if there is a conspiracy, he should hold up his left hand and his right hand in front of a mirror and then he’d see what’s in between.

Hold tight!!!

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