Saturday 15 December 2012

An Ugly “V”, is there such a thing?

It has been a long time since I have encountered a social issue that has disturbed me so much.  I recently watched a video entitled “The Perfect V….”.  Now by “V” I mean that special female happy place.  The main concept of this video is that women are now having “V” enhancement surgery because they feel their “V” is unappealing.  Some even go as far as to suggest that they need an attractive looking “V” to secure, or keep, a man.
Ladies, for the record, I have not heard such nonsense in all my life.  I have played hockey, baseball, basketball, soccer, football, and lacrosse. I’ve played in a band, and done Karate.   I have, therefore, been in every men’s locker room imagined.  I have heard every stereotypical male discourse you can imagine.  And, out of tens of thousands of politically incorrect conversations, not one has ever been about the aesthetic quality of a “V”.
Men complain about not enough “V”.  They complain about being restricted to one “V”.  They discuss the joys of a highly viscous “V”.  They lament losing access to the “V”.  They discuss strategies of how to tell the owner of the “V” that it could use a little aroma therapy.  They talk about techniques to enhance the pleasure of the “V”.  They may show a picture of their favourite “V”. Some have asked for recommendations on a professional “V”.  And, of course, many postulate effective transition sentences that might spur on the discussion of introducing another “V”.  But, at no time!  And, I repeat, NO TIME, has a man in my presence in the last 28 years that I was fully aware of the nature of the “V” intonated that he would ever turn down, admonish, judge, criticize, reduce participation with, laugh at, point fingers at, or refuse an invitation from, the “V”.
Ladies, men love “V’s” and many women love “V” too.  And, speaking on behalf of men all over the world (and some women I’m sure), I am confident in stating that if you are with the right person, you need not worry about the appearance of your “V”!  We are all unique creatures on this earth and so are “Vs”.  Now, if you want to ruin my day or upset me, show me a “P”, now that’s ugly.
Please view the above video and let me know if you were as upset as I am.
Hold Tight!!!!

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